Matthew Website

Here are our talks from Sunday services on our journey through a single book of the Bible: Matthew's Gospel.

You can also find our series on Mark's Gospel here.

When you click on a talk it will start playing and you will also see any notes that might be included in that week's talk.  You can open notes in a new window while the talk is still playing.

Scroll to the bottom for the latest talk.

Matthew 1v1-17
James Lawton

 New talks are added each week.


Planning your Visit

hand wave Hi, it's great you want to know more

Maybe you've been considering exploring faith?

If you have never visited, or been part of a church, then you may have a lot of questions!

You might have some expectations about church - good or bad!

There are three things you can do to find out more about our community:

  1. Have a look through the rest of our website.  We are a growing community and content is regularly updated.
  2. Arrange to meet up with our minister, James.  He is always up for a chat and a cuppa!
  3. Plan a visit to one of our Sunday Services.